Hong Kong College of Cardiology commissioned the Centre for the Advancement of Social Sciences Research (CASR) of Hong Kong Baptist University to conduct a telephone survey in October 2018. The telephone survey targeted the elderly aged 65 or above to investigate their understanding on atrial fibrillation. In total, 813 elderly were interviewed during the survey period. The survey found out that about 80% of the respondents consulted a doctor in the last year mainly because of high blood pressure and diabetes (risk factors to atrial fibrillation). 60% of the respondents reflected that the doctor did not take an electrocardiogram for them, while 64% of them said their doctor did not take a pulse for them. 63% of them did not know electrocardiogram would help to diagnose atrial fibrillation.
Dr. Chan Ngai-yin, President-designate of Hong Kong College of Cardiology, said the elderly were high-risk individuals of atrial fibrillation. It is recommended that a doctor should take an electrocardiogram or a pulse for the patient aged 65 or above during consultation. However, doctors did not follow this recommendation in most countries / cities. Patients could not recognize that they were suffering from atrial fibrillation. The survey results indicated that there was room for improvement in Hong Kong.
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Hong Kong Commercial DailyOriental Daily
Sing Pao
(Source of photo: PMA Marketing Consultancy Ltd)
(January 8, 2019)