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Survey on Third Runway System (March 23, 2015)

Centre for the Advancement of Social Sciences Research was commissioned by the People's Aviation Watch, Green Peace (HK), Friends of the Earth(HK), Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society, Conservancy Association and World Wildlife Fund (HK) to conduct a telephone survey regarding the Hong Kong International Airport three-runway system proposal put forward by the Hong Kong Airport Authority (HKAA). The telephone survey of 617 Permanent Resident of Hong Kong aged 18 or above was conducted in March 2015. The data collected was analyzed by Professor Michael DeGolyer of HKBU. The research findings were presented in the report of “Issues and Answers on the Third Runway for Hong Kong International Airport”. The survey results showed the concerns and disagreement of Hong Kong citizens regarding the expansion of the third runway system. The survey showed 68% of respondents stated that the HKAA should focus on improving the efficiency of current runways and should not consider building a new runway before our current runways are fully utilized. Also, the majority of respondents (64%) do not agree with the government decision to become guarantor of the HKAA and to finance the third runway project so as to bypass the oversight by the Legislative Council.




(March 23, 2015)