The Centre for the Advancement of Social Sciences Research (CASR) was established in 2010. It capitalises on the expertise currently available at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) and other academic units of the University and helps build the necessary infrastructures so as to nurture and sustain related research endeavours. In this connection, CASR provides ready survey instruments, sampling frames, and advice in the employment of advanced quantitative and qualitative techniques, facilitates social sciences and related research undertaken by all faculty members of the University.
As the research issues facing social scientists are now so profoundly complex and their solutions often demand the combined resources of multiple disciplines, multiple professions and multiple institutions, the Centre serves as a platform that engenders inter-departmental collaboration and synergizes new inter-disciplinary research endeavours within and beyond the Faculty.
The Centre also serves as an outreach arm of the University to facilitate knowledge transfer to the wider community by way of conducting consultancy works for the government, NGOs, the media and other organisations, conducting regular opinion surveys on various policy issues, holding press conferences, and joining force with the academic departments and other research centres within and outside the Faculty to undertake policy research and organise research seminars, workshops and related endeavours. CASR is distinguished from similar units in other universities by its close collaboration with academic departments and other research units of the University, and by its commitment to pursuing academic excellence in the realm of social science studies.