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< Oxfam HK
Date of application/ usual deadline
The proposing organisation should be a non-governmental organisation. Oxfam Hong Kong gives priority to small or emerging organisations or groups lacking resources. Organisations or projects with a relatively broad base of resources and which are more likely to receive funding from other sources are generally regarded with less priority.
Procedure/ Remarks
The project should be in line with the goals of the Oxfam Grants for Development Education Project.

The porject should be in line with the thematic concerns of the Oxfam Grants for Development Education Projects.

The project should contain a clear presentation of the theme, objectives, global citizenship education components, expected outcomes, target groups, implementation plan, key activities, schedule, budget, human resources allocation, contingency, and monitoring and evaluation mechanism.

The project should build in a practical and appropriate monitoring and evaluation system. A clear set of evaluation indicators for impact assessment is essential for project appraisal.
The project should consider ways and means of publicising its experiences through apropriate communication media.

The project should be feasible and cost-effective.

The proposing organisation should have the adequate capacity, both in terms of organisational structure and resource coordination, to implement the programme.

The proposing organisation should have a well-defined monitoring and accountability mechanism regarding project implementation and financial managements.

Priority will be given to projects that have sustainable impacts in terms of developing human resources in global citizenship education, or production of education materials for a wider audience etc.

Priority will be given to projects that have the potential to be a project model and a "e;snowball"e; agent. Projects that are innovative and can arouse the interest of other groups to pursue similar projects or to adopt similar practices will be prioritised.
