[  ENG  |  中繁  ]
< Hong Kong-Scotland Partners in Post Doctoral Research
Date of application/ usual deadline
Last submission deadline: 29 October 2012
To be eligible, Hong Kong applicants should:

- Be employed by a Hong Kong UGC-funded institution;
- Be a PhD graduate of one of the Hong Kong UGC-funded institutions; and
- Be a resident in Hong Kong (including those with visa to work in Hong Kong).
Procedure/ Remarks
The main criteria for selection for an award will be the proven research competencies of the individual AND the expertise of the department, research group etc with whom they are seeking to work. This will be judged according to publications and other research work to date and reports from nominated referees. In summary, the evaluation criteria are:

1. Professional qualifications and experience of the individual applicant.
2. Expertise of the department, research group, etc. where the placement will occur.
3. Quality of the research proposal submitted by the applicant with anticipated outcomes and deliverables.
4. Mutual benefit of the cooperation and research topic for the Hong Kong-Scotland relationship.
5. Potential contribution to both the Hong Kong and Scottish academic/research base.
6. The proposal should fall within the specific subject areas under the Scheme.