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< ESRC / RGC Joint Research Scheme
Date of application/ usual deadline
Last submission deadline: 18 October 2012
Full-time academic staff members of the University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded institutions who meet the prevailing eligibility requirements for the General Research Fund (GRF) of the RGC may apply. There is no quota on the number of applications to be submitted by each institution. An applicant can only submit one application in the capacity of Principal Investigator (PI) in each exercise but may participate as a member of another project in the same exercise. Research proposals in any area of the social sciences are eligible for application. Proposals must involve integrated collaboration between the UK and Hong Kong partners and demonstrate clearly the added value of the collaboration. They must demonstrate distinctive, cross-country aspects, where both sides of the research team provide necessary local expertise. Loosely connected projects between the UK and Hong Kong which do not demonstrate clear scientific value from the collaboration will not be eligible.
Procedure/ Remarks