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< Public Policy Research Fund (PPRF)
Date of application/ usual deadline
Last submission deadline: 13 January 2012
Generally, full time academic staff of UGC-Funded Institutions from Staff Grades 'A' to 'I' who are primarily engaged in and spending at least 80% of time in degree or higher degree work at the institution proper; and whose salaries are being wholly funded by the institution proper are eligible to apply.
Procedure/ Remarks
The following criteria are used in considering competitive bids :

a. academic quality;
b.relevance to the public policy development of Hong Kong;
c. institutional commitment;
d. contribution to academic/professional development in public policy (where applicable);
e. potential for social, cultural or economic application; and
f. availability of, and potential for, non-RGC funding.

Items (c)-(f) above to be accorded equal weight, but all to be subject to (a) and (b). As regards item (f), members have agreed that the availability of matching non-RGC funding (eg from industry or Government departments) should be taken into account. As regards item (a), members have agreed that "e;academic quality"e; should cover :

- scientific and scholarly merit of the proposal;
- qualifications and track record of the (principal) investigator(s);
- originality;
- feasibility within the time-scale of the proposal.