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59th World Statistics Congress (WSC) of the International Statistical Institute (ISI)

CASR has participated in the 59th World Statistics Congress (WSC) of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), hosted by the Census and Statistics Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government between 25th August......continue >>
Survey on Office Bullying (August 7, 2013)

The Centre for the Advancement of Social Sciences Research of the Hong Kong Baptist University was commissioned by the Vital Employee Service Consultancy of the Christian Family Service Centre to conduct a survey on Office Bullying. 509......continue >>
NAAC Symposium (June 21, 2013)

Dr. Agnes Law, Director of CASR was invited to present a report on “Customer Feedback Development for Evaluation of Centre Groups, Programs and Special Events” at the Symposium hosted by The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council, 21......continue >>
Survey on the privacy awareness of Facebook users (May 6, 2013)

The Centre for the Advancement of Social Sciences Research of the Hong Kong Baptist University was commissioned by the PCPD to conduct the survey on the privacy awareness of Facebook users. 1,016 randomly-sampled Facebook users were......continue >>
One-stop shop survey research services

Do you encounter any problem in
  • finding research funding?
  • estimating budget for your research proposal?
  • designing questionnaire?
  • collecting data?
  • formulating your research......continue >>
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